2 min readFeb 12, 2021


Overwhelmed? Space might help (quite literally)

I get into my head a lot. When I was little, all my friends and adults classified me as artistic, a bit out of it. It did not help that I had a huge fascination of the arts, from paintings, to technical drawings, to music. I never quite could express myself with that, but I felt it from others. How amazing would it be to have a medium where all your thoughts and emotions collide, creating something substantial for others to experience.

I suppose I think of writing in that way. It’s the only canvas where I allow myself to express freely, without expecting perfection. This might explain my erratic writing style, or how quickly I go from one thought to the other. But don’t most of us just connect one thought to the other and end up with a completely different idea?

Recently, I purchased a home planetarium, it has these bright, magical constellation projections and it’s probably the only way I can escape from my thoughts completely. Add music to the setup and I am gone. When I have that little technological wonder on, my mind stays calm, I finally feel content and happy.

I forget about the pandemic, the social expectations and just be with myself. I suppose it’s my way of meditating when the sun goes down.

So while this text will not grant you an epiphany, I would like to leave you with this: be weird, take care of you and your mental health. Reach out to the people you hold dear and never forget- you’re never alone. We’re part of a wonderful and grand universe and all those tiny little stars make a huge constellation, and who are we if not magical space dust.




Alias account for anonymous expression. 🌏 Europe